Luca Silvi

Cancelloni Food Service
Commercio e Distribuzione
Ruolo: Direttore Generale
Area: Top Management

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Luca Silvi

Chi è: Proven twenty years experience in various sectors in the field of General Management, including the practice and supervision of all managerial, operational and planning activities for the improvement of financial and operational performance in both private companies and multinationals in both industrial-manufacturing and commercial contexts. Provided key contributions to the implementation of important strategic business programs and projects in the management of complex and dynamic organisational structures; promoter of a positive corporate outlook in contexts where it is necessary to balance business needs with technical/design ones, particularly in conditions of high stress in project critical situations. Experienced leader coupled with a strong relational attitude for the management of cross-functional and multicultural teams and work groups, enhanced by a high competence in foreign languages, able to interact with all levels of management creating relationships characterized by empathy and trust.