Arseni Llenas Sabanés

Uriach Italy srl
Sport, Intrattenimento e Benessere
Ruolo: People, Comms & IT Director
Area: Human Resource Management

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Arseni Llenas Sabanés

Chi è: With more than 15 years of experience in HR & Talent management, Arseni Llenas Sabanés is People, Comms & IT Director at Uriach Italy, part of Uriach Group, a Natural Consumer Healthcare company with more than 185 years of history. Born and raised in Barcelona, after a bachelor's degree in Pedagogy at Barcelona University, Arseni started his professional career at UPC as Training and Consulting specialist. Then, he gained a deep knowledge in people management working for Altiare and Areas (Food&Beverage), as HR manager. He joined Uriach in 2015 as Head of People in Spain, before becoming part of the Italian team in September 2019.