Willis Towers Watson
Ruolo: HR Partner
Area: Human Resource Management

Vuoi entrare in relazione con Laura Bertolin, conoscerne meglio le attività e il profilo professionale?

Laura Bertolin

Chi è: I have solid international experience and I'm use to work with people from all over the globe. I'm a strong HR Business Partner and an inspiring leader to the HR teams as well the Business manager and other people. I can make a difference in a short period of time, as I am transformational by nature. I can settle the HR Department from scratch as well as I can step in the most structured and sophisticated one, thanks to the vast variety of organizations I've been through in 14 years. I'm a change agent and an Ambassador for Ethics, Values and Corporate social responsibility. During my professional growth I've developed my ability to influence management thanks to my natural enthusiasm and initiative. I put my internal Customer at the hearth of whatever I do, I am approachable and friendly.