Giorgio Pasolli

Cassa Centrale Banca spa
Assicurazioni, Banche e Finanza
Ruolo: Chief Human Resources Officer
Area: Human Resource Management

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Giorgio Pasolli

Chi è: Giorgio Pasolli is now Head of "People and Corporate Culture" in Cassa Centrale Banca Gruppo Bancario. He was the director of Formazione Lavoro, the leading training centre for the Trentino banking system. A graduate of Educational Science from the University of Milan Bicocca, he began his career with Unicredit and the cooperative banking system. His areas of competence included ICT, foreign currency transactions, credit counselling, human resources and organisation development, culminating in the position of branch manager. In 2002 he was invited by the Federazione Trentina of Cooperation to found Formazione Lavoro, which has provided training services for over 1.000 clients (companies and enteprises) since its inauguration. Mr Pasolli personally designs the annual programme, consisting of specialised courses, and maintains a strong commitment to providing training that specifically targets the individual needs of his clients.