Caterina Basso

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Caterina Basso

Chi è: My professional story and, before that, also my studies revolve around technology. I was a young univesity student when started to work as labs technician in the high school where I got Computer Science diploma. My first significant international experience came at the end of university path, when a graduated in Information and Computer Science. At that time I joined an IT group called Application Service Europe within Hewlett Packard starting to support European customers and leading application enhancement project. From HP, life balance reasons brough me in SELTA, an italian medium vendor designing innovative solutions in cvritical infrastructer ecosystem. Starting as ICT manager and then moving to marketing and communications team helping to build a structered organization. Today I have a long path of experience in B2B marketing and I'm managing marketing and communications plans and activities besides working side-by-side with business development and sales teams in demand generati