Giulia D'Agostino

FullSIX spa
Comunicazione e Marketing, Consulenza, Web Agency
Ruolo: Project & Account Manager
Area: IT Management

Vuoi entrare in relazione con Giulia D'Agostino, conoscerne meglio le attività e il profilo professionale?

Giulia D'Agostino

Chi è: My job? I will never, ever, get my mom understand it! However, I've always managed to liase my passion with my occupation. I find new technologies and Internet networking fascinating so that I collected several years of experience in online media specifically focusing on editorial strategy and definition of contents. Moreover, I've been always involved in managing relations with partners and investors. I am fully skilled in organising events of different nature (corporate meetings and conferences, art exhibitions, product launches, weddings, expos). Being creative and eclectic often helps me when I am in charge for the R&D of new ideas and projects. Specializzazioni: Events organization, community management, social networking, online publishing, content management, product management, project management, social media management, on line reputation management, advertisement, public relation on line, managing and maintaining websites, coaching.