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C.P. Company (Tristate)

Nel 1971 Massimo Osti, il rivoluzionario designer riconosciuto a livello internazionale come "il padre dello sportswear", ha fondato il marchio Chester Perry, che ha poi cambiato nome in C.P. Company nel 1978. Il marchio ha immediatamente riscosso un grande successo grazie soprattutto alla sua interpretazione anticonformista e funzionale dei classici del guardaroba maschile. Per più di 45 anni il brand ha portato avanti il suo primato di rielaborazione di capi militari d'archivio, da lavoro e sportswear, combinando un'intensa ricerca e innovazione nei materiali e tessuti. La ricerca di C.P. Company passa anche attraverso l'utilizzo della tecnica del tinto capo, che il brand ha sviluppato negli anni '70, che consiste nella tintura del capo finito, a cui conferisce una grande ricchezza cromatica. C.P. Company è facile da indossare, al punto che il possessore del capo senta di averlo sempre avuto nel suo guardaroba. C.P. Company combina perfettamente tradizione, innovazione e performance. ---- For more than 45 years the brand has continued to pioneer it's signature hybridization of archival military, work and sportswear models, combining them with intensely researched, cutting-edge, Italian fabric innovation. This fabric innovation has also been heightened by the use of garment dyeing, a technique C.P. Company was the first in the world to develop in the mid 1970s, in which fully-finished garments made from multiple fabric and fiber are dyed as final step, producing clothing with unique chromatic richness and tone-on-tone subtlety. C.P. Company is easy-to-wear, feeling like you've always owned from the moment you first try it on, but at the same time distinctively in its details, combining tradition, innovation and performance. C.P. Company was acquired by Tristate Holdings (listed at Hong Kong stock exchange) in 2015 and remains true to its unique brand DNA, collaborating with Italy's leading sportswear designers and suppliers, as well as engaging the Trinovation Lab's hi-tech machinery and know-how for truly experimental adventures at the cutting-edge of industrial innovation. Since the acquisition C.P. Company has seen double digit sales growth every season and is now ready for a further development phase in wholesale, retail and digital.