Francesco Polsinelli

Iveco Group
Trasporti, Infrastrutture e Logistica
Ruolo: Chief Communications Officer
Area: Communication Management

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Francesco Polsinelli

Chi è: Francesco Polsinelli has over 25 years of experience in communication. He holds a degree in Modern Literature from the University of Turin and has been a member of the Italian National Press Club since 2003. Polsinelli began his career contributing to various publishers and communication agencies, such as Zanichelli and Satiz. In 2007, he became Editorial Manager at DGTmedia, overseeing projects for clients like Alfa Romeo, Ferrero, Fiat Group, SKF and TNT Express. He joined CNH in 2008, serving as Web Manager and Internal Communications Manager and later taking on roles at Fiat Industrial and CNH Industrial, before being appointed Media Relations Manager for Europe and Global Web & Social Media Manager, positions he held until 2021. Currently, Francesco Polsinelli is Chief Communications Officer at Iveco Group.